All questions asked

All the questions asked on HR Cosmos to date are to be found here. For a good user experience and the opportunity to see the full version of all answers and comments, we recommend you to look at the questions in the registered area.


SuccessFactors: Can a predefined workflow be saved for the salary/bonus planning?

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1 solution

SuccessFactors: Can salary/bonus planning also be done offline?

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1 solution

SuccessFactors: Salary/bonus planning is completed in a digital environment – what next?

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1 solution

What are appropriate burnout-prevention measures for employees in the company?

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1 solution

What are reasonable rates/fees for the payment of recruiters?

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1 solution

Can holocracy work company-wide even in large companies?

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1 solution

What are the advantages of variable remuneration systems?

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1 solution

By when can an employee expect an interim reference if he/she requests one?

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1 solution

Where can I find helpful information on Swiss social-security law?

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1 solution

Can the boss send his/her staff Facebook friend requests?

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1 solution

What do “talent hybrid”, “core hybrid” and “full cloud” mean?

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1 solution

When can personnel data be transmitted/saved abroad?

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What are the pros and cons of the home office and what are the most important arguments?

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1 solution

What is the recommendation for the retention time for application documents in applicant pools?

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1 solution

Where can I find the current withholding tax rates?

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1 solution

Who owns the notes on an application (e.g., interview notes)?

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1 solution

What does “employer branding” mean?

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What is the purpose of personnel dossiers?

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What is the most sought competence today?

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4 solutions

How would you define a 360° Feedback? Why is it important?

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1 solution

Under what conditions may personal data be stored abroad?

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What is the purpose of personnel dossiers?

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1 solution

What are the essential considerations when setting objectives in MbO?

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1 solution

What is meant by “onboarding”?

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2 solutions

What are the benefits of career planning?

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What should be addressed in a probationary interview?

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1 solution

What is the difference between the various types of reference letters?

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1 solution

One of our employees would like to work part time from the US remotely. Possible?

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What does data privacy mean for employee?

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Unterstützt PeopleDoc Single Sign On?

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1 solution

Arbeitszeugnis Beendigungsgrund bei Kündigung oder Aufhebungsvereinbarung

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1 solution

Arzt verweigert den Arztbericht

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1 solution

Entschädigung für Mehr- und Überstunden entfällt, da Mitarbeiter bonusberechtigt ist?

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2 solutions

Arbeitszeiterfassung mit GPS-Tracking erlaubt?

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2 solutions

Vorlage Austrittsfragebogen?

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1 solution

Unfall Firmenparkplatz - BU oder NBU?

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2 solutions

Automatisation des tâches dans les processus RH?

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Letzte Lohnzahlung nach Todesfall zwingend?

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1 solution

Während 90 Tage in der Schweiz, wie kommt er zur AHV-Nummer?

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Welches online-assessment-center benutzt ihr für Bewerber?

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1 solution

Nach Mutterschaft Kündigung AG, Arztzeugnisse während Kü-Frist und Sperrfristen: was beachten?

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2 solutions

Zuwendung bei dem 25. Betriebsjubiläum ?

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1 solution

Unfall in der Probezeit?

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1 solution

Mitarbeiter gekündigt und krank geschrieben meldet sich beim RAV?

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1 solution

Möglichkeit zu arbeiten als EU/EFTA-Bürger?

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1 solution

Firmenfahrzeug zurückfordern während Krankmeldung ?

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1 solution

Aufhebungsvereinbarung - was wenn danach ein*e Mitarbeiter*In schwer krank wird z.B. Krebs?

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1 solution

Freistellung statt Beendigung - Missverständnis oder Kalkül - was können wir tun?

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1 solution

Incapacité de travail traitement à l’étranger?

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