HR Innovation Campus
120 HR enthusiasts took part in this year's HR Innovation Campus at Kraftwerk in Zurich on 6 May 2022. HR Cosmos was also involved as event partner. Esmir Davorovic, Community Leader at HR Cosmos, led a presentation on a topic close to his heart: "Re-thinking knowledge exchange – the ego era is over". Anja Buser and Felix Anderegg hosted the event.
First, the HR managers were invited to lean back and dream. Four HR Campus employees opened the afternoon's proceedings with inspiring short talks:
- "Re-thinking knowledge exchange – the ego era is over", Esmir Davorovic
- "Turning the tables – HR at the heart of data protection", Aniq Iselin
- "Which target group must the HR world be prepared for?", Alexandra Gastpar
- "Skill management – last chance or best chance for creating value in HR?", Eric Sieber
The talks were followed by the opening of a BarCamp. This involved open workshops with content and proceedings developed and structured by the participants themselves. Twelve questions around the topic of HR were discussed in depth in different spaces during the afternoon. One of these was how employees can be brought back to the office after two years of working from home. Other issues included travelling workers, the motivation for e-learning systems, and working with time management in hybrid work forms. There was intense discussion and an exchange of experiences. The HR Innovation Campus then wrapped up with a drinks reception, ping pong and foosball.

Publication 05 | 2022